Categoria: Seminari e Convegni
Stato: Archiviata
Thursday, June 13th

Upcoming Seminars: 1) Contaminant transport through landfill composite liners due to geomembrane defects and 2) An engineered cementitious-based material for process and product innovations: from 3D to 4D concrete printing.

5:00 PM in the Albenga Room @DISEG (Entry 1 - 2nd floor)

Upcoming Seminars @DISEG!
Thursday, June 13th 5:00PM at Albenga Room - DISEG entry 1 2nd Floor.

We invite you to attend two presentations by our researchers:
- Dr. Nicolò Guarena: Contaminant transport through landfill composite liners due to geomembrane defects.
- Dr. Devid Falliano: An engineered cementitious-based material for process and product innovations: from 3D to 4D
concrete printing

More details on the flyer below.

Following the presentation and discussion, light refreshments will be offered to all participants.

The seminar will be conducted in English.

We look forward to welcoming you in great numbers.